Friday, February 21, 2025

Land of "Never Again" by Jan Böhmermann

The far right is rising in the land of “never again,” Jan Böhmermann, a German satirist, argues in a video. Watch it here. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Amnesty International - USA: Annual General Meeting (AGM): February 21-23, 2025

Amnesty International USA’s Annual General Meeting! Check out our human rights workshop lineup and get your tickets now before it’s too late.

Detroit In-Person AGM’25 Registration
Deadline: February 7th, 2025

Virtual AGM’25 Registration
Deadline: February 14th, 2025

Location: Detroit, MI and online via Whova
Conference Dates: February 21st - 23rd, 2025

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Paul O'brien: Executive Director of Amnesty International - USA: This is Gaza Genocite

 Amnesty International - USA.

This is Gaza Genocite

An interview by Chris Hayes at MSNBC with Paul O'Brien, Executive Director of Amnesty International - USA. For more information, Click here.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Amnesty International: 2024 Write For Rights

Amnesty International: 2024 Write For Rights

Every year, Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign brings together people from around the world to fight injustice and support people whose human rights are under threat.

Over the past few years your actions have made a real difference to people’s lives. From Zimbabwe to Guatemala to Kyrgyzstan, activists have been freed and justice has been served.

This year’s campaign features people from around the world who are all connected because their human rights have been violated.

By writing letters, signing petitions and sharing stories, you can demand justice calling decision makers to do the right thing.

Join this year’s campaign and become part of a community working to make the world a more just and compassionate place. Join Write for Rights today. 

Click here to support all or any individual cases:

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Good News: Amnesty International (October 2024)


Palestinian surgeon Dr. Khaled Al Serr was just released from Israeli detention after spending more than six months without charges of trial. Amnesty has been campaigning and advocating for Dr. Al Serr ever since he was taken by Israeli forces while working at a hospital in Gaza, along with other healthcare workers. For over five months, his family did not know if he was safe or even alive. We are so grateful for the thousands of you who helped amplify calls for his release.

Education activist Ahmad Fahim Azimi was just released after 11 months in prison. He should never have been jailed for promoting girls' rights to access education. His arrest, arbitrary detention, and unfair trial were against international human rights law. Since its return to power in Afghanistan, the Taliban has detained, tortured, and in some cases killed activists, journalists, poets, and others across the country. Thank you to all who worked tirelessly calling for his release.

Monday, October 14, 2024

7 Maps Showing How the World is Actually Getting Better: By Ian Wright October 14, 2024

Here are just a few highlights: 

  • All but 6 countries in the world have higher life expectancy rates today than in 1982. With East Timor more than doubling its life expectancy. 

  • China reduced it’s extreme poverty rate from 91.8% in 1981 to 0% today, this is due to it’s incredible economic growth which has seen the average Chinese person increase their wealth 9X in real terms in 40 years. 

  • Infant Mortality rates have fallen in every country on earth expect for one, with many countries reducing deaths by over 90%! 

  • CO2 emissions per capita have grown a lot less slowly than I expected, they grew 14% per person globally, but have fallen in many rich countries such as Canada (-14%), US (-23%), Germany (-39%), France (-43%) and the UK (-51%). 

To me the UK number is the most interesting. It was the birthplace of the industrial revolution power by coal. 

Yet on 30 September 2024, UK shut down it’s last coal power station after 142 years. The UK now produces less CO2 per capita than it did at the end of the Crimean War in 1856! 

This suggests that economic growth does not have to equal a growth in CO2 emissions. Combined with falling fertility rates (especially in China and India) means our impact on the planet is very likely close to reaching its peak. 

So while the world is far from perfect, and there a lots of thing that can still be improved, I’m actually even more of an optimist about the future after researching these maps than I was before. 

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