Dear Midwest Famly,
hope this email reaches each of you and family in great health. We are in
the midst of the busy fourth quarter of Amnesty International.
Regional Conference
The 2015 Midwest Conference is scheduled
for October 23-25 in Bloomington, MN. REGISTRATION is now
open, don’t forget to register. Online registration will be open until Monday,
October 19th 5:00 p.m. The draft agenda is posted on the
website. Some program highlights: Surveillance Plenary, Movie Screening of Hate
Crimes in the Heartland, Workshops :Write for Rights, My Body My Rights, Sex
Worker Policy, and many more exciting topics.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Write For Rights
It’s that time of the year again. Write for
Rights Season. This year is set to be one of the most dynamic years for this world-wide
event. The W4R website is in its final stages but you can start registering
your event as well as read up on the 2015 cases. AC’s & SAC’s, you should
start working with groups within your states to get signed up and planning
their events for this year. Check out the W4R webpage for information. If you are
attending the Regional Conference you will also be able to get your packet and
other perks at the Write for Rights table in the Activist Alley.
Midwest Office Staff
The process has begun to fill the vacant
Field Organizer position in the Midwest Office. The position is posted on the
Amnesty USA website. If you have any possible candidates direct them to the
website and have them complete the application process. The current hiring
schedule is December 2015 – January 2016.
My Body My Rights
The My Body My Rights campaign has been
launched and in full swing. Check out the My
Body My Rights webpage for the Toolkit and information on how
you and your group can participate. Again, there will be a workshop at the
Regional conference on this great new campaign.
We have re-launched the Midwest
newsletter, so please forward any pictures and write up of events your group
has done. We have to highlight our work and this begins with you.
Ernest Coverson
Field Organizer
1 N. Lasalle, Ste 875
Chicago, IL 60602
321*435*6383 Office