Everyone here is young and Syrian. Nearly all of us have a parent, a sibling, a cousin, dear friends or colleagues who have died in this devastating war. We have all lost a city we call home. We are all grieving but instead of choosing to pick up weapons, we choose to pick up cameras to tell our stories to the people of the world in the hope that they will do something.Why do we risk our lives? We believe that telling stories can change things. We believe that eventually this war will end and people will talk – this will be the solution to our problems.
Before we began, there was only the regime’s media, only their side of the story. We want to provide the Syrian people – and the rest of the world – with the right information so they can think objectively and make up their own minds.Together with Amnesty, our footage will help to form a body of evidence of the war crimes and human rights abuses in Syria. They bring us one small step closer to holding the perpetrators of these atrocities to account.
Best wishes,
Tony al Taieb
CEO, Lamba Media Production
Click here for Fear of the Sky.