UW-Madison: In War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification - May 4, 2016
This free event is open to the public and is part of UW-Madison
Distinguished Lecture Series that has been organized / co-sponsored /
endorsed by the American Friends Service Committee of the Madison
Friends’ Meeting; Amnesty International Local Group 139; Bright Stars of
Bethlehem; Jewish Voice for Peace – Madison; Madison-Rafah Sister City
Project; Playgrounds for Palestine-Madison; Students for Justice in
Palestine-UW Madison; The Crossing; and Women’s International League for
Peace and Freedom-Madison Branch and welcomed by WORT Radio.
This event will be held on Wednesday May 4, 2016, 7 PM at DeLuca Forum that is located on campus at Wisconsin Institutes of Discovery (330 N. Orchard Street). Book signing will follow. Friends/members are encouraged to attend if they can.