My colleagues from UW-Madison, Prof. Joseph Elder
(Social Sciences), Prof. Uli Schamiloglu (Center for Middle Studies)
along with Baha’i Campus Association, Pakistani Students Association,
and myself (Coordinator for Amnesty International Local Group 139 in
Madison) have helped to organize the event “Education is Not a Crime”
for this Friday (2/27) at UW Memorial Union (800 Langdon Street, Madison, 53706), Tripp Common, at 6:30 PM (Please see attached flyer). This program is part of global campaign in support of Baha’is rights to freedom and education in Iran.
The program starts with watching a 55-mins documentary film “To Light A Candle” aimed at exposing social injustice and religious intolerance of Baha’is in Iran. This new film is produced by Maziar Bahari,
an Iranian Canadian journalist, film maker, and human rights activist.
Attached, please see Flyer Worth mentioning Maziar’s memoir “Then They Came for Me” which was the NY Times Best Seller, was the basis for Jon Stewart’s 2014 film “Rosewater”.
encourage you to come to this event which is free and open to public,
watch this powerful movie, and listen to panel discussion by Prof.
Elder, Dr. Sal Carranza, and myself.
For questions or more information, please do not hesitate to contact me (608-698-6749). Looking forward to see you this Friday,
Coordinator, Amnesty International Local Group 139, Madison