“May 22 will be an historic date. It is a day when we all, as Irish people, have a chance to stand for a Republic of equals. A day when we can more fully realise equality for all of our people. It is fitting that we are launching this campaign outside the GPO. Here, almost a century ago those who proclaimed our Republic, asserted that Ireland would value and cherish all of its people equally.
“Love does not discriminate, and neither should our laws.
LGBT people should be free to love, and have the right to commit to the person they love and to celebrate that love. Ireland will be the first country to put this proposition to a popular vote by referendum. We can, if we join together for equality and turn out to vote on 222 May d, make history by enshrining the right of equal access to civil marriage in our Constitution. We can work to further realise an Ireland that is a based on equality and human rights, and voting YES in May will bring us one step closer to that goal.”
Grainne Healy, Yes Equality spokesperson commented:
“There are now eight weeks until the people of Ireland will decide if we wants to make history voting Yes and sharing their freedom to marry with lesbian and gay people. We ask to share the freedom to marry because we value marriage and know its significance. We also know that Irish people are fair minded and their instincts tell them that voting yes is the fair thing to do.”
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