We have such a wonderful membership! Not only do we hold human rights
dear to our hearts but there are also other issues such as the
environment, poverty, children's health, etc that can be related to
human rights but may not be addressed by Amnesty International.
Enough! Shell's New Spill Shows Oil's True Cost #NoNewLeases, ONLINE PETITION
- Stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, ONLINE PETITION
- Making the Connection: Climate Changes Health: 4-Part WEBINAR
- Workers Should Not Have to Wear Diapers While Processing Cheap Chicken! ONLINE PETITION
- Tell President Obama: Letting Big Oil into Big Cypress Preserve was the wrong choice, ONLINE PETITION
- Urge Your Member of Congress to Pass the Global Food Security Act, ONLINE PETITION
- Webinar: Unhealthy Air: How to counsel patients on reducing day-to-day exposures INFO
- Take Action on Moms Equal Pay Day! ONLINE PETITION
- Peace & Planet Workshops at Left Forum, Saturday, May 21 - Nuclear Disarmament & No to NATO
- Urge Your Senators to Co-Sponsor the STEM Opportunities Act! AAUW, ONLINE MESSAGE