Greetings Everyone!
U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e! This week, one of our Facebook posts received 15 people and another post reached 4,188. Why was there such a difference? People liked, shared, and commented on the 4,188 post. What an example of the power of social media. Help us to spread the word by taking action. You can make our posts go V-I-R-A-L!
University of Wisconsin - Madison, May 3, 2016: We welcomed Jeff Halper to Madison and enjoyed his lecture, "In War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification," given as part of the Distinguished Lecturer series on campus. Thanks to all who attended.
Amnesty International has still not fixed our group's email address so please use this one.
-Debbie, Weekly Update Editor
Click here for links to this week's Amnesty International and Human Rights Information and Actions.