Friday, October 21, 2016

Colombia: Rejection of the “Peace” Accords with the FARC: What’s Next for Colombia? - OPINION PIECE

Army War College
October 4, 2016

On October 2, by a very narrow margin, Colombians voted to reject the agreement that their government had negotiated with the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) that would have formally ended that group’s 52-year long struggle to overthrow that nation’s government.  The result came as a shock to many both within and outside Colombia, given that polls taken shortly before the referendum predicted the accord would pass by an almost two-to-one margin.[3]  Indeed, in our confidence that the referendum would pass, had written and were waiting to go to press with a detailed article on the outlook for post-agreement Colombia.
Click here for ENTIRE article. 

The author is research professor for Latin America at the U.S. Army War College.  The views expressed in this work are his own, and do not necessarily represent his institution or the U.S. government. They also do not necessarily express the views of AI Group #139.