Annie Alfred is like any other child in Malawi, but some people believe her body has magic powers. Annie was born with albinism, an inherited condition that prevents her skin cells from producing enough colour. And like other people with albinism in Malawi, Annie could be hunted and killed for her body parts because some think this will make them rich. Thousands like Annie are at risk.
Act Today. Write A Letter. Change A Life.
- Sign and mail the sample letter for Annie. Our Group #139 will mail your letters. Please send them to 350 South Hamilton Street, Unit 501, Madison, WI 53703 or send them electronically to Azamnrad@gmail.com.
- Tweet your support for Annie to President of the Republic of Malawi, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika: Twitter: @APMutharika
- Email your support for Annie to Association of People with Albinism: albinismassociationmw@gmail.com