Amnesty International has taken a strong stance against torture. Here are just a few links from AI and one from NRCAT.
Click here for an online petition asking President Obama to take a clear stand against torture.
Torture and Other Ill-Treatment - Amnesty International USA
In the years since 9/11, the U.S. government has repeatedly violated both international and domestic prohibitions on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the name of fighting terrorism. Click here for more information.
- Demand Accountability for Torture and Abuse, Nigeria: Moses Akatugba - Amnesty International USA
When he was only 16 years old, Moses Akatugba was arrested and tortured. He reports being beaten by the police, shot in the hand, and hung for hours at the station. Moses states he only signed the confession agreeing he was involved in a robbery because of the torture and asserts his innocence. In November 2013, after eight years of waiting for a verdict, Moses was sentenced to death. Click here for online petition.
- Stop Torture
President Obama came into office stating that he intended to look
forwards not backwards, and would "turn the page" on the abuses
committed under the Bush administration. That is simply not good enough. Click here for more information.
- Will Obama Affirm the Bush Position on Convention Against Torture? -from National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT)
Click here for an online petition asking President Obama to take a clear stand against torture.