Bahareh Hedayat, a women's rights and student activist, is serving a ten-year
prison sentence in Evin Prison. Ms Hedayat was involved with The
Campaign for Equality which had been advocating for equitable
treatment of women under Iran's family laws, and was also a member
of the Central Committee of the Office for the Consolidation of
Unity, a national student body which has been active in calling for
political reform and opposing human rights violations. She was
arrested in December 2009 and charged with several “offenses”,
including “interviews with foreign media,” “insulting the leader,”
“insulting the president,” and “disrupting public order through
participating in illegal gatherings.” She has served more than half
of sentence by now and is eligible for early release. Please go to
change.org/p/free-bahareh and sign the petition. Bahareh's birthday
and wedding anniversary are coming up soon and we want her to be
able to celebrate with her family. She has already spent too many
birthdays and anniversaries languishing in Evin Prison.