Abortion is back in the Belfast courts.
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At the end of last year, Belfast High Court found Northern Ireland’s out-of-date abortion laws ‘incompatible’ with human rights. A judge ruled that the near-total ban on abortion in the country breaches international human rights law, and recommended that the government changes the law.
This is a law that can imprison a woman or girl for life if she has an abortion. Medical professionals too face a life sentence for helping a woman terminate a pregnancy. In part of the UK, in 2016.
But the Northern Irish government is pushing back on human rights. They are appealing the decision and that appeal hearing starts today.
Please share the petition on your social media channels and help us gather as many signatures as possible to take to the Assembly.
This week, we’ll be in the Court of Appeal to put forward the case for human rights. We expect the court to come to a decision later this year. Until then, we’ll tirelessly campaign for change. I’m hopeful – after last month's election, we have more Assembly members pushing for change, and a new chance to make the case for human rights.The public is on our side in Northern Ireland – seven out of ten people want the abortion laws reformed. Now let’s show the politicians that we’re serious about change. Please take a moment to share our petition to decriminalise abortion
Thank you,
Sara Rydkvist
Campaign Manager - My Body My Rights
Amnesty International UK