On November 18, Edward Snowden will be awarded Norwegian PEN's Ossietzky Prize for outstanding achievements as a whistleblower. We do not want Snowden's chair to be empty in the University Hall in Oslo due to lack of approval to travel to Oslo, as Ossietzky himself was prevented by Hitler from coming to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1936.
Co-inviters behind this petition include:
Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy, Daniel Ellsberg, Marit Arnstad, Jesselyn Radack, Arne Ruth, Ola Larsmo, Coleen Rowley, Thomas Drake, Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, Marjorie Cohn, William Binney, William Nygaard, John Kiriakou, Moddi, and Mari Boine. Please sign this petition to the Government of Norway:
Click here for ONLINE PETITION and more information.
Also see:
- "Edward Snowden: 'Privacy is for the powerless,'" Amnesty International March 11, 2016
- "7 ways the world has changed thanks to Edward Snowden," Amnesty International, June 4, 2015