theme this year is "Change Our World." We stand shoulder to shoulder
with activists in the United States and throughout the world to make a
lasting human rights impact. We strive to embrace and reflect all
identities that make up humanity in order to foster a world where
justice, freedom, and dignity are recognized as central to the
inalienable rights of all human beings. Our goal is to highlight the human rights work we are doing locally, nationally, and globally while elevating our host cities.
To submit a proposal for the Regional Conference you plan to attend, navigate to the Activist Resource Community (ARC)
homepage and select the Regional Conference tab. For each conference
you intend to submit a proposal, please complete the form for that
conference. Before submitting your proposal, please review all
responsibilities of session organizers. If you have any questions about
logging onto the ARC or the submission process, please reach out to Adam
at across@aiusa.org.
The deadline for submissions is July 15th, 2016. We will notify session organizers of their acceptance in mid-August.
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