September 20, 2016
You are cordially invited to attend a breakfast gathering with Medea Benjamin on Tuesday morning September 20, at Daisy Cafe on Madison's east side (2728 Atwood) from 8:00 until 9:45 am --- an opportunity to connect and converse. Our theme: Gather the Women: growing the local to global justice movement
Benjamin, author and co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK
and the human rights group Global Exchange, will speak to the topic,
leaving plenty of time for discussion. Medea
is described,as "one of America's most committed ---and most
effective---fighters for human rights" by New York Newsday. She is one
of 1,000 exemplary women nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize on
behalf of millions of women who do the essential wok of peace worldwide.
And you are one of those women!!
Breakfast will be buffet style with options for all diets with the cost of $11 per person. Space is limited and reservations necessary. Please respond to this invitation as soon as possible to assure a spot. Reserve with Susan Freiss at freisssusan@gmail.com (Paym ent can be made the morning of our breakfast.)