Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Sri Lanka Action ToolKit and Photo Action - Summer 2014

Amnesty International Activists: 
     I've created a new, activist-driven photo action for the disappeared Sri Lankan journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda. For more information on his case, please see (or click on the link below).. The idea is to have people take photos of themselves or their friends, relatives, etc., holding a sign saying "Where is Prageeth?" (or the equivalent in a language other than English). Then they would put the photo in the body of an email (and not as an attachment) and send the email message to The photo would then automatically show up on a Flickr page that I've set up for this action (see The subject line of the email will appear as the title for the photo, so people should give some thought as to what they want the photo's title to be and then insert that as the subject line for the email. We do already have a sign for photo actions for Prageeth. It's on page 21 of the Sri Lanka Activist Toolkit (the toolkit is at Or people could create their own signs. I'd like to get as many photos as possible on the Flickr page by next January 24 (the fifth anniversary of Prageeth's disappearance), at which point I'd publicize them to the Sri Lankan government as a way of pressuring them to account for his whereabouts and hold accountable those responsible for his disappearance. Thanks for any help you can give on this. 
     Take care. 
     Jim McDonald Sri Lanka Country Specialist Amnesty International USA