Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Take Action: Demand Clemency for Leonard Peltier (Sept. 12, 2023)

 Leonard was convicted in 1977 related to the deaths of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Amnesty and many others have long had concerns about the fairness of his trial, and he has always maintained his innocence. American Indian Movement member Joseph Stuntz was also killed that day, and his death has never been properly investigated. Right now, on Leonard’s birthday, Indigenous activists and allies are gathered at the White House, rallying to demand his freedom. Even though you’re not there with them in-person, we need your help to amplify their calls. We’re calling on President Biden to FINALLY grant clemency to Leonard Peltier. You can help today by signing the petition. Add your name now https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/96017/action/1?supporter.appealCode=W2309EAIAR1X&ea.url.id=6568757&forwarded=true