Call 1: Free Raif Badawi
Who: Call your Representative in Congress and ask them to sign onto the Roskam-McGovern letter, calling on King Salman of Saudi Arabia to release Raif Badawi.

1) Call the Congressional Switchboard at 1-202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Representative. You can also go to to look them up yourself.
2) Give your Representative this message:
my name is ________ and I live in _________ (city, state). I am calling
to urge the Representative to sign on to Rep Jim McGovern and Rep Peter
Roskam's "Dear Colleague" letter to the King of Saudi Arabia by
Thursday, Feb 12th, urging release of blogger Raif Badawi and other
Prisoners of Conscience. Please ask the Representative to ensure that
he/she puts human rights at the center of U.S. foreign policy. Thank
Note: Amnesty International USA ONLINE PETITION
Note: Amnesty International USA ONLINE PETITION
Who: Chicago Mayor Emanuel has
the opportunity to call for the passage of an ordinance that would
provide reparations for Chicago police torture survivors. Please call
his office and ask him to act.
1. Call 202-783-0911. This line should ring to the Mayor's Office in Washington D.C.
2. Give Mayor Emanuel this message:
my name is ________ and I live in _________ (City, State). I'm calling
to ask the Mayor to publicly support the Chicago Police Torture
Reparations Ordinance, currently pending in Chicago City Council, and to
schedule a prompt public hearing. I hope that he can do this in advance
of the election! Will you please pass that message along?"