Friday, September 4, 2015

AI Madison Group #139 Weekly Update - September 4, 2015

 Greetings Everyone!
     This week our stories include: the escalating and heart-wrenching refugee/migrant crisis, the fate of two Al Jazerra journalists, two sisters "sentenced" to be raped, and much, much more. We also have information about Amnesty International's URGENT ACTIONS, Amnesty International regional conferences, and online petitions. Be sure to check out our list of videos and Calendar of Events. We have also added another NEW blog topic on Open Forum, But what would “gun control” ideally involve?
     Thank you so much to our members who have sent information for us to distribute. We are reaching about 600 people each week and your efforts help to keep us all informed and give us opportunities to take action. Just a reminder: If you have items that you would like posted on our website, Weekly Update, Facebook, or Twitter, please send your news items, petitions, videos, and events to Azam at
     -Debbie, Weekly Update Editor

Click here for ENTIRE Weekly Update.