Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mexico: Adrián Vasquez Lagunes, torture victim, Must be Released from Prison - URGENT ACTION by August 14, 2015

Amnesty International

Adrián Vasquez Lagunes has been in jail near Tijuana, northern Mexico, since September 2012 when police arbitrarily arrested and tortured him in order to accuse him of drug-related crimes. All the evidence against him has been obtained through undue process. Following a legal challenge the prosecutors have a matter of days to respond and potentially drop the charges against Adrián allowing for his release.

Click here for addresses and URGENT ACTION.

Example of an URGENT ACTION letter below (Thank you Farideh, one of our AI Madison Group #139 members, for sending this sample letter which was put together by Tilly Lavenas & Guy Ottewell of AI UK.):

Arely Gómez González
Federal Attorney General
Email: arely.gomez@pgr.gob.mx
Twitter: @ArelyGomezGlz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PGR

Estimada Señora Procuradora

I strongly urge you to drop all charges against Adrián Vasquez and release him immediately.
I understand that the evidence against him was obtained under torture.


May also be sent to:
Martín Ortiz Lerma
Delegado de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) en Baja California
Email: stecnicabc@pgr.gob.mx
Twitter: @PGR_BC
Estimado Señor Delegado

HE Alejandro Ives Estivil
Embassy of Mexico
1911 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20006
Your Excellency