Friday, December 2, 2016

AI Madison Group #139 Weekly Update - December 2, 2016

 Hi Everyone,
     This is going to be a very personal Weekly Update. I have been unable to update our website, Facebook page, and Twitter account for the last two weeks.
     We will continue our work to monitor and give voice to human rights issues in the U.S. and around the world. Keeping in mind that we are neither a political group nor are we a partisan group,we can act and shine light on these human rights issues: torture, death penalty, women's rights, poverty, education, prisoners, refugee & migrant issues, children's issues, censorship & freedom of speech, LGBT rights, and international justice. Do not be discouraged by the changing U.S. political environment. Our commitment is strong and together will move forward.
       I hope that by next Friday, we will have a regular Weekly Update... filled with human rights news, actions, events, and videos. I hope to begin immediately to update our social media and website which touches so many people through tweet impressions, Facebook likes & shares, Google searches, and website updates. My family, as always, is most important to me and they need me the most right now. Please consider volunteering for some of our online work so that we can continue our Weekly Update, website, Facebook, and Twitter presence without too many interruptions.
     Peace to All,

Click here for the ENTIRE personal Weekly Update.