Friday, December 16, 2016

Amnesty International Group #139 Weekly Update - December 16, 2016

 Greetings Everyone!
     This week we have all watched breathlessly as families fled Aleppo. Our hearts break for the war-torn families caught in the crossfire. On December 14, Amnesty International issued a plea to have UN monitors into Aleppo and has demanded a safe evacuation for the people of Aleppo. Click here to add your voice for their safe evacuation. Also see this BBC report describing Aleppo as a "Mini World War."
     This is also our once-a-year 2016 fundraising appeal. No one is paid in our group. We are all volunteers. Our funds are primarily used for mailing expenses, community outreach, education (conferences), and local group membership to Amnesty International. Your donations to "Group #139 of Amnesty International" are completely tax deductible. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be sent to Dr. Azam Niroomand-Rad at 350 South Hamilton Street, Unit #501, Madison, WI 53703. If you have any questions, just send her an email at
     IMPORTANT: We are looking for some volunteers to expand our social media outreach. Help us from the comfort of your home and work with Azam and Debbie. If you are interested or have any questions about this exciting opportunity, please contact Azam at
   Write for Rights 2016:  Our Group #139 will mail your letters. Please send them to 350 South Hamilton Street, Unit 501, Madison, WI  53703 or send them electronically to All of our Write for Rights cases can be found here. Each case has background information, addresses for letters, online petition options, and often email, twitter, or other actions. Act before December 31, 2016!
    We have many petitions, letter-writing opportunities, actions, events, videos, and organizational information included in this week's Weekly Update. Check them out below!
Peace to All,
     -Debbie, Weekly Update Editor
Click here for links to this week's Amnesty International and Human Rights Information and Actions.