Monday, October 12, 2015

USA:Prayer Won't Stop Gun Violence, Gun Reform Will - VIDEO and ONLINE PETITION

Published on Oct 5, 2015
Praying won’t end this gun violence epidemic, passing common-sense gun laws will. SUBSCRIBE: SIGN THE PETITION:

Dear United States Congress,

     Praying won’t end this epidemic, passing common-sense gun laws will. Common Sense Gun Laws Like:
-Passing universal background checks
-Requiring a license for each and every firearm
-Stopping access to ammunition online and requiring in-store purchasing
-Applying waiting periods to the purchase of a gun.

     The NRA has contributed $20.7 million dollars to politicians since 1990 - it is no coincidence that congress has failed to DO ANYTHING in that time. But enough is enough. Guns in America are a clear public health crisis, with almost 300 mass shooting THIS YEAR. Congress, pass common-sense gun laws NOW!