Thursday, October 27, 2016

Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice Update - October 27, 2016

WNPJ Weekly Spotlight: LGBT Books to Prisoners
What is your central mission?
The central mission of LGBT Books to Prisoners is to send books and other educational materials to queer people in prisons across the US. We aim to be as direct as possible so we work with individuals within the prison system, we don’t work with prisons directly, and we try to send them whatever they ask us to send. We make a particular point to have LGBTQ literature on our shelves since the population that we’re serving requests that more than anything else but we also send general fiction and educational books--all sorts of things.
Click here for MORE INFORMATION.

This Week's WNPJ Member Spotlights!
Our intern Julia has been cataloging WNPJ member groups through interviews and photographs. We see this as a way to highlight the important work that member groups are doing around the state, for groups to get to know one another, and hopefully it will lead to more collaboration between groups. If you haven't been contacted yet, please contact Julia at to set up an interview. Be on the lookout for more interviews coming soon!

WNPJ Weekly Spotlight: 350 Madison Climate Action Team
What is 350's central mission?
Our official mission statement is, "The 350 Madison Climate Action Team is dedicated to achieving a reduction in atmospheric CO2 below 350 parts per million (ppm). We are working in concert with a powerful global movement that seeks to make a just transition to a world fueled by 100% renewable energy."
Click here for MORE INFORMATION.

WNPJ Weekly Spotlight: GSAFE
What is your central mission?
Our core work is to create just schools for LGBTQ youth, moving away from the safe paradigm, but really making schools that are just, that recognize the disparities, the way that its systemically built to not support these youth and address that proactively. We do that in a number of different ways including youth leadership work, which is what we’ve been doing for 20 years. Starting out with high school leaders and really giving them the tools, the skills and the analysis to create change in their schools. We also do educator training, recognizing that most educators have not had the opportunity to address LGBTQ directly.
Click here for MORE INFORMATION.