97 of Every 100 Rapists Receive No Punishment, RAINN Analysis Shows
(Reposted from Amnesty International USA Women's Human Rights Network Facebook post)
"This staggering statistic sends a clear message to offenders that they
can commit this horrible crime and get away with it. The single most
important thing we can do to prevent rape is to put more rapists in
prison," notes Scott Berkowitz, RAINN's president and founder. "That's
why we have made it a priority to pass the SAFER Act and eliminate the backlog of untested DNA evidence from open rape cases."
(Reposted from Amnesty International USA Women's Human Rights Network Facebook post)
Only three out of every 100 rapists will ever spend even a single day in prison, according to a new analysis
by RAINN of Justice Department data. The other 97 will walk free,
facing no consequences for the violent felony they have committed.
Because rapists tend to be serial criminals, this leaves communities
across the nation at risk of predators.

Click here for entire article.