Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mexico: Demand Justice for 43 Missing Student from Ayotzinapa Deadline: ASAP - ONLINE PETITION & W4R URGENT ACTION

     On September 27, 2014, the tortured body of student Julio César Mondragón, from Ayotzinapa in Mexico’s Guerrero State, was found. Hours before, as he and other students from a rural teacher-training college were en route to protests against government education reforms they considered to be discriminatory, they were attacked by police in Iguala and gunmen with whom they colluded. Three students were killed. Eyewitnesses saw police take other students away. Yet authorities later claimed no knowledge of where they were. The families of 43 “missing” students were left to agonize about their suffering after learning about the torture that Julio César Mondragón had suffered. Click here to ask President Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico to ensure justice for the ill-treatment and enforced disappearance of the students of Ayotzinapa.

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