" We are greatly concerned by reports that human rights activist Raif
Badawi will start facing the inhumane punishment of a 1,000 lashes, in
addition to serving a 10-year sentence in prison for exercising his
rights to freedom of expression and religion. The United States
Government calls on Saudi authorities to cancel this brutal punishment
and to review Badawi’s case and sentence. The United States strongly
opposes laws, including apostasy laws, that restrict the exercise of
these freedoms, and urges all countries to uphold these rights in
Click here for the entire statement from the U.S. State Department.

Amnesty International has been working for Raif's release.
Here is a press release from Amnesty International issued today.
Also, here is
a link to an ONLINE PETITION from Amnesty International.URGENT ACTION (letter writing) information can be
found here.
IMPORTANT UPDATE from Amnesty International.
"Amnesty International has been informed that Raif Badawi, a Saudi
Arabian blogger and prisoner of conscience, was publicly flogged on 9
January. Flogging violates the absolute prohibition of torture and other
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in international law. He will be
flogged every week for the next 20 weeks, 1000 lashes in all." Click here for entire
AI Update.