Roundtable discussion on Charlie Hebdo, Satire,
and Freedom of Expression.
Pyle Center, Room
January 30th
5:30 – 7:30
At this roundtable, the January 7 attack on Charlie
Hebdo in Paris will be discussed in its past, present, and future
context and implications. How can these events be understood from a
geopolitical viewpoint? What are the different cultural perspectives
(French, Arab, American) on the events?
Panelists include:
- Frédéric Neyrat, For the benevolence of expression.
- Sage Goellner, Toward an understanding of the context(s) of Charlie Hebdo.
- Sandrine Pell, Is it really about Charlie?
- Jean-René Gehan, Radical Islam in France, at the crossroads of a failed integration and the dashed hopes of the Arab springs.
- Tejumola Olaniyan, Am I Really Charlie?
- Nevine El Nossery, Why I am not Charlie.
- Laird Boswell, What is at stake in the debate over Charlie Hebdo and the terrorist attack on the kosher supermarket?
the Department of French and Italian, Division of Continuing Studies, and
European Studies Alliance.