Thursday, December 24, 2015

AI Madison Group #139 Weekly Update - December 25, 2015 (Dec 24 distributed)

 Greetings Everyone!      Such a busy time of the year! We have a very short Weekly Update this week.  I invite you to take some time to read about our group's Write for Rights Wrap Up, sign a few petitions, write an extra letter, and watch an inspiring video  with Bono and Pavarotti. Thank you for your hard work and dedication... just one more week left in 2015!     Keep shining that light,
     -Debbie, Weekly Update Editor
Write for Rights 2015 Wrap Up!
Thank you to all of our members, neighbors, and friends who signed petitions for this year's Write for Rights Campaign. We contributed almost 900 signatures! Your signatures will be added to the thousands around the world. We will post final numbers, if we can obtain them. 

Click here for ENTIRE Weekly Update.