Tuesday, December 22, 2015

AI Madison Group #139: Write for Rights 2015 Wrap Up - THANK YOU!

Thank you to all of our members, neighbors, and friends who signed petitions for this year's Write for Rights Campaign. We contributed almost 900 signatures! Your signatures will be added to the thousands around the world. We will post final numbers, if we can obtain them.

From our Amnesty International Madison Group #139

1. Burkina Fasco, Africa (73)
2. Democratic Republic of Congo (75)
3. El Salvador (74)
4. Islamic Republic of Iran (71)
5. Greece (72)
6. Malaysia (79)
7. Mexico (73)
8. Republic of the Union of Myanmar (76)
9. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (76)
10. Syria (73)
11. USA, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (72)
12. Uzbekistan (75)