Monday, February 29, 2016

3 ways you can help Syrians | Free after 44 years in isolation | #LetThemStay update - ACTIONS

Amnesty International Australia
     The world felt a glimmer of hope when the UN Special Envoy, US and Russia announced a commitment to end hostilities in Syria. Such a commitment would relieve the suffering of millions. But before anyone had a chance to rejoice, hospitals and schools in Northern Syria were hit by Russian cluster bombs destroying even more innocent lives. Now is the time to change the course of history to alleviate more suffering with the US and Russia officially announcing a ceasefire. As we approach the five year anniversary of this crisis, it's now more important than ever to take a stance to make sure there is an end to this crisis.

Here are three things you can do to help:

  1. Sign our petition to put the pressure on global leaders to put an end to the targeting of innocent civilians. After devastating images of starving children emerged out of Madaya, we must help ensure that aid reaches those in need.
  2. Share the petition and ask friends and family to show their solidarity with people struggling to survive in Syria.
  3. Donate now to enable us to continue our work to end the suffering of families inside Syria.
Stay tuned as Amnesty partners up with other organisations, and host high profile activists in Australia including Bassam Alahmad from the Violations Documentation Center in Syria to ramp up the pressure at this critical time.