Friday, February 12, 2016

AI Madison Group #139 Weekly Update - February 12, 2016

Greetings Everyone!
     This week our work continues. Online petitions, letters, and online actions are directed to U.S.A., Australia, South Sudan, Iran, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel/OPT, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, and the Russian Federation. Check out some of our news items and videos/podcasts. We have also included a letter from Zeke Johnson who has appealed to our Amnesty International members to provide AIUSA with feedback regarding the Individuals at Risk Program. Finally, mark your calendars and consider joining our Nowruz action or attending the Amnesty General Meeting this spring.
     Dedicated and compassionate. These words just begin to describe the hearts of human rights activists. Our membership is filled with busy, busy people and, yet, you have found time to open your hearts and sign petitions and write letters. We honor you and all that you do. Happy V-Day!
     -Debbie, Weekly Update Editor

Click here for links to this week's Amnesty International and Human Rights Information and Actions