Friday, June 17, 2016

AI Madison Group #139 Weekly Update - June 17, 2016 (Part 1 of 3)

 Greetings Everyone!

      Immigration, homophobia, mental illness, gun availability, Islamophobia... all issues that may be involved with Sunday's killing of 49 people and wounding of 53 in Orlando. In response, Margaret Huang, the interim director of Amnesty International, published this statement, "A Time For Solidarity - And Action," published in the Huffington Post, June 14, 2016. We have gathered various news stories and petitions and included them on our posts: Orlando Sorrow and Orlando Action. Some things have already happened. After a 14 hour and 50 minute filibuster in the US Senate, bills concerning the "terror gap" and "universal background checks" will be considered. The AMA has issued a statement that it will actively lobby Congress to lift the 20 year old ban on gun research. We have also posted petitions seeking to lift this ban. Working for peace and understanding, there is #MeetaMuslim movement. Click here for video. These links and many others help us to share our sorrow, solidarity, and action.
     We have separated this week's update into three parts. Parts 2 and 3 include links for Orlando Sorrow and Orlando Action.
     -Debbie, Weekly Update Editor

Click here for links to this week's Amnesty International and Human Rights Information and Actions