Friday, June 17, 2016

What America’s gun fanatics won’t tell you - AN OPINION ARTICLE

Market Watch
June 14, 2016
By Brett Arends

This article was submitted by one of our members who would like to share it with our group. Amnesty International Group #139 does not endorse or nor does it endorse this opinion piece. Thanks, Farideh.

 "Can we please stop pretending that the Second Amendment contains an unfettered right for everyone to buy a gun? It doesn’t, and it never has. The claims made by the small number of extremists, before and after the Orlando, Fla., massacre, are based on a deliberate lie.
The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution doesn’t just say Congress shall not infringe the right to “keep and bear arms.” It specifically says that right exists in order to maintain “a well-regulated militia.” Even the late conservative Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia admitted those words weren’t in there by accident. Oh, and the Constitution doesn’t just say a “militia.” It says a “well-regulated” militia."
Click here for ENTIRE article.