Tuesday, September 27, 2016

USA: Tell Congress to Welcome Refugees - ONLINE PETITION

National Religious Campaign Against Torture
     This week began with sorrow as bombs were found in New York area neighborhoods, one of which injured many innocent people.  In our grief though, we do not want to forget others who have also suffered from violence.  The conflict in Syria has displaced millions of people.  Millions more are currently displaced by violence in other parts of the world.  We are in the midst of the worst refugee crisis since World War II.  These people need our help.
     Unfortunately, some of our politicians are attempting to slam our doors shut in the face of those seeking refuge.  Refugees have been compared to poisonous "skittles" and some in Congress have called for including a provision banning refugees in the continuing resolution currently being debated in Congress that will fund government for the next few months.
     The conflict in Syria has displaced millions of people. Millions more are currently displaced from other violence around the world. We are in the midst of the worst refugee crisis since World War II. Sadly, in the face of almost unprecedented human need, many in Congress want to slam our door shut on those seeking refuge.
     Please write to your Members of Congress today and ask them to open our country’s door to those fleeing violence and persecution.
Click here for PETITION and more INFO.