Friday, July 29, 2016

AI Madison Group #139 Weekly Update - July 29, 2016

Greetings Everyone!

      "Our observers in Cleveland saw mostly peaceful protests, with police securing march routes and taking steps to ensure the safety of protesters and the public. We are still reviewing notes and videos of the citations that police gave to protestors to better understand the context and the police response. Now in Philadelphia, our team has been seeing peaceful protest, with police largely appearing to be fulfilling their duty to protect people's right to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression. You can read more about the delegation of human rights observers here. You can follow more updates on our Twitter and Facebook. In the weeks ahead, Amnesty will send letters to law enforcement leaders in both cities – and state and federal policymakers – outlining what the observers saw and what lessons can be drawn from how the protests were handled." -from the July Amnesty Insider Newsletter

     Five Reasons to Abolish the Death Penalty: (1) You can't take it back, (2) It doesn't deter criminals, (3) There is no "humane" way to kill, (4) It makes a public spectacle of an individual's death, and (5) The death penalty is disappearing. - from the July Amnesty Newsletter (Amnesty International Australia)

     We have news and action links related to the resumption of executions in Indonesia, the executions and detentions in Iran, facts about gun violence in America, and inspiring videos. Thanks for sending in these stories and sharing with our group.
     -Debbie, Weekly Update Editor

Click here for the links to this week's Amnesty International and Human Rights Information and Actions.