Wednesday, July 27, 2016

UN: Right To Health, Colombia And US Congress - NEWS

The WorldPost
July 22, 2016

     Recent memos allegedly leaked from the Colombian Embassy in Washington describe intense pressure by the pharmaceutical industry and its Congressional allies to discourage Colombia’s efforts to half the local price of Novartis’ Gleevec, one of the leading medications used to treat Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML). See Huffington Post “Colombia Fears U.S. May Reject Peace Plan To Protect Pharma Profits.”
     As a US citizen, as the Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Colombia since 2012, and as a person with CML, I believe that if US citizens and members of Congress know what I know about Colombia — and about CML — they would see that these strong-arm tactics cruelly threaten human lives, and also undermine our own economic and security interests at a critical time for Colombia.
Click here for the ENTIRE article.