Amnesty International
Angolan youth activist Francisco Mapanda
(also known as Dago NĂvel Intelecto) was in court on 28 March following
the sentencing of 17 Angolan youth activists, known as the Angola17.
During the proceedings, he said out loud that “the trial was a farce”.
The judge immediately opened a separate proceeding against Francisco
Mapanda, convicted him of contempt of court (desacato) and sentenced him
to eight months in prison on the same day. He was immediately taken to
Comarca de Viana Prison where he is serving his sentence. The
Constitutional Court on 5 July analysed the Extraordinary Appeal lodged
by Nito Alves’ lawyer on a very similar case of contempt of Court and
found that his trial violated some rights guaranteed by the Angolan
Constitution and, therefore, ordered his release. The Supreme Court
ordered the conditional release of the Angola 17 on 29 June.
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