Friday, April 10, 2015

Amnesty International Madison Group #139 Weekly Update - April 10, 2015

Greetings Everyone!

     Our website has an ever-growing list of human rights videos with links. Someday... dreaming here... we'll organize them alphabetically or by subject. Right now they are organized by date. Any volunteers? Our Video tab link. Contact if you are interested in this project. Thanks!

     The Urgent Action Challenge: This Challenge was issued by Amnesty International Australia in January. Can you commit to writing one letter every two weeks for a year? Writing letters is very hard but once started, it can be very addictive. You are making a personal connection to that person so far away. I started writing for the Freedom Writers (Amnesty International) in the 1970's. I knew it was something that I could squeeze into my busy schedule. Does it make a difference? We have no way of tracking each individual letter but we (Amnesty International) have heard back from many Prisoners of Conscience. Some have been released. Some were given hope. We strongly feel that "if we do nothing; nothing will happen." Are you up for The Challenge? We do have guidelines on our website. If you have any questions, please contact us at
     Have a wonderful week!
     -Debbie, Weekly Update Editor
Click here for entire Weekly Update.