Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Challenge: Can you do this one thing, every two weeks for a year? - URGENT ACTIONS

from Amnesty International Australia

Write one letter, every two weeks, and help save a life.
Amnesty’s global Urgent Action (UA) Network is a simple idea: when someone is in imminent danger of serious human rights violations, the authorities responsible are flooded with thousands of letters from across the world. These messages tell the authorities that the world is watching and create pressure to stop the violation. If you’re not already signed up, get on it – because the collective power of hundreds or thousands of letters from ordinary people can make a huge difference. Our UA Network tackles around 400 critical cases a year – writing for those who face imminent executions and unfair imprisonments, for cases of disappearances and forced evictions.

Top tips for your Urgent Action letters

  1. Personalize your letter, for example, ‘I’m writing to you from Brisbane, Australia, about the unfair imprisonment of X’.
  2. If there is a week or more before the letter deadline, print and mail your letter. Hardcopies = more impact.
  3. Be polite and respectful.
Get more letter writing tips here.
Click here for entire article.