Thursday, April 30, 2015

Paraguay: Life of a Pregnant 10-year old at Risk - URGENT ACTION

Amnesty International

     On 21 April a 10-year-old girl arrived with her mother at the Trinidad Maternity and Children’s Hospital (Hospital Materno Infantil de Trinidad) in Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, complaining of stomach ache. On examination, a 21-week pregnancy was established. The girl’s pregnancy is the result of having been raped by her stepfather.
     The World Health Organization (WHO) and health professionals around the world agree that pregnancy poses specific risks to young girls whose bodies are not fully developed and that the risk to their lives is greater. Therefore all options regarding the pregnancy, including safe abortion services, must be made available. 
     On 28 April the girl’s mother submitted an administrative plea (carta administrativa) to the hospital requesting an abortion for the girl. Nothing indicates that the hospital is considering an abortion to save her life. On the contrary, according to latest reports, the girl will be sent to a center for young mothers (centro de niñas madres).
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