Friday, November 20, 2015

Amnesty International: 4 Reasons Why Syrian Refugee Resettlement Is the Right Policy for the US - NEWS & ACTION

Amnesty International USA
Nov 19, 2015

    These are the people we should be supporting; these are the people who are essential to keeping hope the original vision of the Syrian uprising in 2011: a vision of a Syria built on respect for human rights.  Instead, political leaders threatening to ban Syrian resettlement are threatening to shut the door on them. Take action to end refugee-bashing here.

 1. There are two distinct but related refugee crises involving different challenges
 2. The UN resettlement process is essential to reducing the number of asylum seekers
 3. The UN resettlement process is essential to alleviating the burden on the host countries
 4. Vetting of Syrian refugees present some special challenges, but the process has worked successfully already with Syrian refugees and in other countries that share the same challenges

Click here to read ENTIRE article.