Wednesday, November 25, 2015

El Salvador: Suffering a still-birth is not a crime. Free Teodora del Carmen Vasquez - ONLINE PETITION

Amnesty International USA
     Teodora del Carmen Vasquez called emergency services when she started experiencing increasingly severe pain at work. She went into labor, and was unconscious when she gave birth in the bathroom of her workplace. When she regained consciousness, bleeding profusely, her baby was stillborn. Police at the scene arrested her.  Does this sound like a crime to you?
      In El Salvador, an extreme abortion ban has created a culture of suspicion and criminalization of women - particularly poor women. It has created a climate of fear. Teodora was convicted in 2008 of "aggravated homicide" and sentenced to 30 years in prison. She has spent the last 8 years in jail.
Click here for more information and ONLINE PETITION.